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EMCC Global Accreditation


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Setting global standards and regulating practice for mentoring, coaching, team coaching, programme management and supervision

Stand out and align with best practice, with a professionally recognised accreditation from EMCC Global.

By adhering to global life-long learning and higher education frameworks, principles of assessment, professional dialogue, action learning and reflective practice, and also by collaborating with other prestigious organisations in various selected fields, we continue to secure the impact of our EMCC Global Accreditations for the benefit of society.

EMCC Global accredits Providers of Education and Training, Individuals with their Professional Designations for ongoing practice, AND recognises and quality assures International Standards for Mentoring and Coaching Programmes and Benchmarking for Organisations worldwide.



EMCC Global Accreditation means you are part of a global family – a family which is motivated for everyone to achieve, where we collaborate for professional excellence and where we champion research and evidence-based practice. EMCC Global Accreditation gives your clients and employers, your peers and your community reassurance about how you are maintaining professional standards and are adhering to a shared Global Code of Ethics.

EMCC Global is active, via its leading edge innovative research and practice, in more than 140 countries. We have, for example, more than 50,000 graduates of EMCC Global accredited education and training programmes worldwide.

EMCC Global is very proud to be a trusted partner of some of the most prestigious providers of coaching, mentoring, and supervision training and post graduate study; and organisational executive leaders and their teams, who have established distinguished and ‘world renowned’ coach, team coach, mentor and supervision programmes. More and more leaders, aspiring leaders and practitioners are choosing EMCC Global for their accreditation and professional designations because of the developmental dynamic inquiry process, profound learning opportunities, recognition of prior learning and experience, reflection, insights and innovation.

Meet us at our presentation room



8.30,12.00 & 13.35 UTC

15.25 UTC

Which EMCC Global accreditation is right for you, your programme or your organisation?

Meet your EMCC Global Accreditation Managers and Advisors and see which accreditation is right for you. EMCC Global accredits individuals (leaders, coaches, team coaches, mentors, programme managers and supervisors), education and training programmes, and organisations – benchmarking ‘best practice’. We recognise and value all validated prior learning and experience in awarding PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS.

Meet us at our presentation room



15.10 UTC

12.15 UTC

Achieving your individual accreditation with The EMCC Global Five Day Challenge - is it for me?

We can help you get ready to submit your application for EMCC Global Individual Accreditation and Professional Designation – or have a roadmap to get there – through our Five Day Challenge.
You are a trained coach or mentor, you have been practising for at least two years and you have had some great feedback from clients, yet for some reason, you have not yet achieved an Individual Accreditation and Professional Designation with EMCC Global.

We have found that there are usually just a few things that prevent people from achieving their Professional Designation – sometimes it’s that they can’t find the paperwork, or have questions about their experience, or get sidetracked, or can’t find client feedback. Sometimes they are just not aware of the EMCC Global ‘dynamic inquiry’ supportive process for Accreditation!


The EMCC Global Five Day Challenge is a week of in-depth dynamic inquiry and reflection, as we help you identify what you need for your application, help you overcome barriers and enjoy the process. It’s the same rigorous process as for all ou accreditation applications, but you do it as part of a group of coaches and mentors who are at the same point in their career as you – these connections could last a lifetime
and set up mutual support for you as you progress as a professional coach or mentor or leader/aspiring leader using these skills as part of your wider role. For more information
click here

Meet us at our presentation room


06.55 UTC

The EMCC Global International Standards in Coaching and Mentoring Programmes - ISMCP

Meet Dr Julie Haddock-Millar and Dr Chandana Sanyal to discuss how to use the International Standards in Coaching and Mentoring Programmes – ISMCP – framework as a checklist, benchmark and outward declaration of your organisation’s commitment to embedding a coaching and/or mentoring culture.

Julie and Chandana will be able to provide advice and answer all your questions about how to get started and can also outline the assistance and mentoring provided by EMCC Global to help you work through everything that you need. We want you to succeed – let us help
you get there. For more information
click here

Meet us at our presentation room


9.05, 10.40 and 13.50 UTC

EMCC Global Quality Award (EQA) Accreditation for your education and training programme

The benchmark quality standard for mentoring and/or coaching training programmes, EQA ensures that successful students meet the research-based standards presented in the EMCC Global Frameworks for Assessment.

This enables the quality of mentoring and/or coaching services to meet and be recognised for meeting high-quality standards of the profession. Mentoring/coaching training organisations may apply for their programmes to be awarded at one of four levels:
Foundation, Practitioner, Senior Practitioner or Master Practitioner


Meet the EMCC Global Quality Award (EQA – Coaching and/or Mentoring, ESQA - Supervision, TCQA – Team Coaching and PMQA – Programme Management) WorkGroup leader Shelley Crawford to discover how to accredit your own education and training programme/s

Meet us at our presentation room


06.55 UTC

The route to Master Practitioner

Dr Chandana Sanyal and Nicola Brown will take you through the requirements to achieve your EMCC Global Individual Accreditation - EIA at Master Practitioner level. This level builds on the practice that you will have achieved at Senior Practitioner level, both in terms of experience and learning as well as in terms of contribution to the profession and professionalism of the coaching and mentoring community.

About Us

An EMCC Global Accreditation means you are part of a global family – a family which is motivated for everyone to achieve, where we collaborate for professional excellence and where we champion research and evidence-based practice. An EMCC Global Accreditation gives your clients and employers, your peers and your community reassurance about how you are maintaining professional standards and are adhering to a shared Global Code of Ethics.

Meet us at our presentation room


09.05 & 10.40 UTC

The EMCC Global Mentor Hub - Your own mentor to guide you through the EMCC Global Individual Accreditation – EIA Professional Designation application

If you are struggling with applications, cannot find supporting documents, becoming confused and just want to someone to guide you through things, and ENJOY the process, then the EMCC Global Mentor Hub could be for you. This is a volunteer-led service which matches you with a volunteer mentor who can guide and answer all your questions. Meet EMCC Global Mentor Hub volunteer Michelle O’Sullivan, who can tell you what’s involved and how to access this free member service.

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